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The Minister as Entrepreneur - 17 Teamwork and partnering with others
The Minister as Entrepreneur - 17 Teamwork and partnering with others
by SPCK - Michael Volland
Teamwork and partnering with others Each of the interview respondents spoke about working with (rather than working for) their congregations. In addition Roger, Rupert and Dan also spoke about working with other clergy, although only Jane and Susan spoke directly about working wi
LWPT Meditations - Ash Wednesday - Year A
LWPT Meditations - Ash Wednesday - Year A
by Susan Thorne
Meditation – Ash Wednesday Year A Isaiah 58:1-12 Psalm 51:1-17 2nd Corinthians 5 ;20b-6:10 Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21 It is a common practice among Christians to “give up something for Lent” – quite often it is chocolate; not exactly a necessity. It is also becoming popular to have a “
Lectionary Reflections - Year B - Proper 13 Year B
Lectionary Reflections - Year B - Proper 13 Year B
by SPCK - Jane Williams
Proper 13 Exodus 16. 2-4, 9-15 Ephesians 4. 1-16 John 6: 24-35 This is a very revealing set of questions and answers between Jesus and the people following him. It tells us a lot about what the people thought they were looking for in Jesus, and gives us one of Jesus’s own central
the historical character of Jesus - 2c The life of Jesus in Acts
the historical character of Jesus - 2c The life of Jesus in Acts
by SPCK - David Allen
The life of Jesus in Acts Acts also knows of a number of details from Jesus’ life. While these are obviously far less than the Gospels include, they are not insignificant, and can (occasionally) enhance the portrait given by the evangelists, and particularly by Luke’s own Gospel
There is a season - Introduction
There is a season - Introduction
by SPCK - Margaret Pritchard Houston
Introduction ‘To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.’ Ecclesiastes 3.1 ‘We don’t have time to relax! We’re too busy rejoicing !’ Marion Pritchard, age six, on hearing a radio broadcast telling people to relaxing Easter weekend’ It is one o’cl
Secondary Schools Assemblies Resource Book - The Bible
Secondary Schools Assemblies Resource Book - The Bible
Secondary Schools Assemblies Resource Book CHRISTIAN IDEAS THE BIBLE By Gill Hartley Suitable for Key Stage Three Aim To explore and appreciate the variety in and inspiration of the Bible. Preparation and materials • A Bible, preferably a good modern translation, carried in a poc
Lectionary Reflections Year A - Proper 8 Year A
Lectionary Reflections Year A - Proper 8 Year A
by SPCK - Jane Williams
Lectionary reflections - Year A Ordinary Time Proper 8 Jeremiah 28.5–9 Romans 6.12–23 Matthew 10.40–42 Ours is an age with a great deal of interest in ‘spirituality’. We have rediscovered that ‘spirituality’ is good for us and, like exercise and a low-fat diet, we pursue it, but
Lectionary Reflections - Year B - Proper 11 Year B